2025-2026 Program and Budget Handbook

Schools participating in categorically funded programs are subject to process evaluation and audit. The Interventionist whose assignment is funded in part by categorical programs is to be involved in that planning and assessment process.

The Interventionist should have a clear understanding of the individual school’s instructional and intervention needs.

The job code and Budget Item Numbers are listed below. When budgeting for the job title below, a corresponding differential must be budgeted at the same percentage. A differential paid with this position and based on the UTLA contract Article IX, 3.5b, the coordinator position is to have a daily scheduled obligation of eight hours (exclusive of duty free lunch). Job Job Title Budget Item Description Budget Item PS group Lv Subarea 19100706 ASMT,NONCLSRM,PREP INTERV SEC ACAD LNG 17156 27 10 BSXX 19100706 ASMT,NONCLSRM,PREP INTERV SEC ELA 17152 27 10 BSXX 19100706 ASMT,NONCLSRM,PREP INTERV SEC MATH 17153 27 10 BSXX 19100706 ASMT,NONCLSRM,PREP INTERV SEC SCI 17157 27 10 BSXX INTERVENTIONIST DIFF 15266

For additional information, please contact the Regional Director.


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