2025-2026 Program and Budget Handbook
Middle School Literacy Interventionist
The Middle School (MS) Literacy Interventionist provides direct intervention support and services to students in English Language Arts at middle schools with the goal that selected students to pass their classes with a C or better and improve their literacy skills. The MS Literacy Interventionists align their work to the Secondary Interventionist Implementation Guide that provides coherence across all schools in the implementation of a Literacy and Numeracy Intervention Model within a Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) Framework. The intervention model is based on student data and evidenced-based practices to accelerate student literacy learning. The intervention model includes direct instruction, models lessons, and engages professional development on literacy strategies to improve Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 classroom instruction. As outlined in REF-141108.0, all schools must provide tiered intervention support aligned with Pillar 1C: Eliminating Opportunity Gaps of the LAUSD Strategic Plan. Principals oversee these interventions, implemented by general education teachers, which include • Professional development • State-mandated interventions • Data collection and reporting LAUSD’s Multi -Tiered System of Support (MTSS) framework, detailed in BUL-6730.1, addresses the needs of all student groups, including EL, SEL, SWD, foster youth, socio-economically disadvantaged, and GATE students. MTSS aligns school-wide resources and initiatives, using the Plan-Do-Study Act (PDSA) cycle to ensure continuous improvement at the school, classroom, and individual levels
The Middle School Literacy Interventionist may be centrally funded or site funded but is part of the school staff and works under the direction of the school-site administrator. MS Literacy Interventionist primary duties include the following: • Provides direct instruction demonstrates, and models effective instructional practices for teaching reading, including differentiated small group instruction and tier 2 interventions. • Provides targeted and differentiated support based on identified needs, coaching, and follow-up, including co teaching and co-planning. Incorporates a structured analytical, student-centered approach to building the capacity of school teams to identify and support all students struggling with reading, including those showing signs of dyslexia. • Participate in Regional Interventionist Academy to support school’s implementation of the MTSS framework, Plan, Do, Study, Act (PDSA) Model, differentiated instruction and strategies, and progress monitoring Develops and monitors student intervention plans using the Interventionist Implementation Guide. • Supports schools in implementing their district-adopted curriculum and the Science of Reading Framework. • Supports schools infusing social-emotional learning and behavior supports into • •
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