2025-2026 Program and Budget Handbook
Interventionist, Secondary
As outlined in REF-141108.0 Evidence-Based Intervention: Implementing Evidence-Based Practices to Support All Learners; all schools are required to provide tiered intervention support to students in alignment with Pillar 1 C, Eliminating Opportunity Gaps, of the Los Angeles Unified (LAUSD) Strategic Plan. These services are supervised by the principal and implemented by the general education teachers: • Differentiated instruction with Core (Tier 1) Intervention in the core program • Establishment of student learning centers • Professional development • State Mandated Intervention • Maintenance of required data and reports The District has adopted a multi-tiered approach to teaching and learning. BUL-6730.1, A Multi-Tiered System of Support Framework for the Student Support, describes a Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) Framework for the Student Support and Progress Team. Multi-Tiered Systems of Support address the needs of all student subgroups, including English Learners (EL), Standard English Learners (SEL), students with disabilities (SWD), expelled students, students in foster care and/or experiencing homelessness, socio-economically disadvantaged, and gifted and talented education (GATE) students. MTSS aligns the entire school-wide system of initiatives, supports and resources, and implements continuous improvement processes (PDSA) at all levels of the system (i.e., school-wide, classroom, and individual students). (CA Dept. of Education). Based on an analysis of student achievement data, a school may choose to use site-based • Core standards-based instruction
categorical resources to fund an Interventionist to enhance its implementation of the multi-tiered framework to teaching and learning. The Interventionist is part of the school staff and works under the direction of the school-site administrator. Interventionist duties include the following: • Use of multiple measures of data to identify areas of strength and need for instruction and behavior • Provide direct instruction, demonstrates, and models effective instructional practices, including differentiated small group instruction and tier 2 interventions. • Provide targeted and differentiated support based on identified needs, coaching, and follow-up, including co-teaching and co planning. • Provide professional development in implementing evidence-based instructional strategies • Support community engagement and parent involvement through workshops and training • Implements multi-tiered instruction and intervention services. • Participate in Regional Interventionist Academy to support school’s implementation of the MTSS framework, Plan, Do, Study, Act (PDSA) Model, differentiated instruction and strategies, and progress monitoring • Support leadership team to determine effectiveness and gaps of academic interventions through data analysis • Develop and monitor student intervention plans using the Interventionist Implementation Guide.
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