2025-2026 Program and Budget Handbook
The Interventionist, Elementary is part of the school staff and works under the direction of the school site administrator. The Interventionist, Elementary, duties include the following: • Provides direct instruction using effective evidence-based instructional strategies. • Identifies learning needs and limitations with teachers to administer effective intervention strategies via re-teaching and professional development. • Collaborates and co-plans with other teachers to share effective instructional practices for core content areas, including differentiated small group instruction. • Participates in co-teaching opportunities to support students. • Supports schools in implementing robust instructional programs to strengthen instruction in all core content courses. • Infuses social emotional learning and behavior support into core instruction to build growth mindset and self-efficacy for students. • Supports schools in data analysis by using multiple benchmark measurements, such as assessments, diagnostic assessments, and progress monitoring data to provide targeted instruction and intervention for students that supports growth.
• Supports schools in leveraging online learning platforms and district data systems to implement multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS) that utilize highly effective differentiation strategies for all students including English learners, Standard English learners, students with disabilities, socioeconomically disadvantaged students, and gifted students. • Participates in professional development at the assigned schools. • Supports community engagement and parent involvement. Schools participating in categorically funded programs are subject to process evaluation and audit. The Interventionist, Elementary, Coordinator whose assignment is funded in part by categorical programs is to be involved in that planning and assessment process. The Interventionist, Elementary will be involved in the implementation of the School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) to assist with the closing of the achievement gap and should have a clear understanding of the individual school’s instructional and intervention needs. These needs must be articulated in the SPSA and should list the activities necessary to reach the objectives. Activities in the categorically funded programs are designed to supplement district services.
The job code and Budget Item Numbers are listed below. When budgeting for the job title below, a corresponding differential must be budgeted at the same percentage. A differential paid with this position and based on the UTLA contract Article IX, 3.5b, the coordinator position is to have a daily scheduled obligation of eight hours (exclusive of duty free lunch). Job Job Title Budget Item Description Budget Item PS group Lv Subarea 19100706 ASMT,NONCLSRM,PREP ELEM INTERVENTIONIST 18049 27 10 BSXX INTERVENTIONIST DIFF 15266
For additional information, please contact the Regional Director.
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