2025-2026 Program and Budget Handbook
• Maintenance of Equipment (Other than Toshiba) – Commitment Item #560006 Using the incorrect commitment item may result in payback with general funds or denial of the expenditure. C. Rental of Equipment… enter the amount for lease agreement for instructional equipment. Title I schools wanting to budget Maintenance of Equipment and Rental of Equipment costs using Title I funds must budget this as a multi funded cost attributing no more than 50% to Title I. • Rental of Equipment (Other than Toshiba) – Commitment Item #560011 Using the incorrect commitment item may result in payback with general funds or denial of the expenditure. Rental/Lease Equipment, Instructional: Schools that are leasing instructional equipment such Equipment PRs must be submitted in Ariba by January 30th so that equipment is received by May 5th of the current school year. The Commitment Item is #560011 and the Budget Item is #50256. D. Non-Instructional Contracted Services... contracts for duplication service costs using the current District’s Toshiba contract. Use Budget Item #50003 (Other Non-Instructional Contract). See the Procurement Manual which is accessible on the left side of the Procurement Services Division website. (e.g., Toshiba Contracts) Title I schools wanting to budget copying/duplication costs using Title I funds as Apple computers or smart boards (excluding copiers) must budget using Rental/Lease Equipment. Rental/Lease
must budget this as a multi-funded cost attributing no more than 50% to Title I. The initial duplication budget can be adjusted during the school year to reflect the actual costs attributed to Title I. Schools must retain records of duplication bills for audit purposes. When reconciling the Ghost Card, the funding must be split into two separate lines with no more than half of the total dollar amount being charged to Title I funds, and the other half charged to any appropriate non-Title I fund. See BUL-134710.0, Restricted Use of P Card, Ghost Card and Travel Card for Title I Program Purchases for more information. E. Non-Instructional Contracts-Other Services… may include Information Technology (IT) service contracts for schools and/or offices. F. Software License Maintenance (renewals)… funds to pay for maintaining internet-based publications and materials that supplement the core instructional program and are specific only to the classroom, delivery of instruction, and intervention, as well as periodic costs of licensing, support, or maintenance agreements for non-equipment items, such as software. Examples include online services for improving literacy, annual site licenses for Mathematics and Literacy skills, subscription fees for online resources for teachers and students, and other interactive learning simulations. Start and End date of Software Licenses Purchases: The latest start and end date for a new or a renewal of a software license contract must occur by May 5th and end within the current school year when using the current year’s Title I funds*. Per District’s MEM 2464.20, Carryover Policies For School Account
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