2025-2026 Program and Budget Handbook


A description of how the services provided by the contractor supplement the instructional program to improve academic achievement for participating students and the established need must be included in the SPSA. As part of the monitoring process, there will be an additional review process for contracts purchased with Title I funds and it will require schools to upload the required Title I documentation in the Ariba Purchase Requisition (PR). Note: Contracted personnel may not perform the duties of any classified, unclassified, or certificated employee. Questions should be referred to the Contract Administration Branch at (213) 241-3087. When processing contracts, please reach out to your Procurement Office for guidance. A. Contracted Instructional Service …funds for contracts with non-district individuals or firms for providing instructional programs/services. Identify the name of the company and type of services that will be provided. Schools may not independently contract for services. All contracts are made with LAUSD and must be processed by the Procurement Services Division. When purchasing an instructional contract, A description of how the services provided by the contractor supplement the instructional program to improve academic achievement for participating students and the established need must be included in the SPSA page. Schools will be asked to submit the SPSA page and quote/contract/ Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) when submitting a PR for an instructional contract prior to approval.

If a school needs to purchase a contract to a single vendor beyond $25,000, allocate the first $25,000 under Commitment Item # 580030 at Budget Item # 50002. The amount beyond $25,000 needs to be allocated under Commitment Item # 510010 at Budget Item # 50255. Essentially, up to $25,000 in a contract expenditure will be subject to indirect cost rate calculation and any amount beyond that is considered a sub agreement and will be exempt from such (California School Accounting Manual, 2019 Edition, Procedure 915). In addition, there will be a review process for contracts purchased with Title I funds. The review process will require schools to upload the required Title I documentation in the Ariba PR. Note: Contracted personnel may not perform the duties of any classified, unclassified, or certificated employee. Questions should be referred to the Contract Administration Branch at (213) 241-3087. B. Maintenance of Equipment …many schools have sizable investments in Title I equipment used to support instructional and/or professional development activities such as computers, copiers, etc. Schools may budget Title I funds for Maintenance of Equipment to pay for any needed maintenance cost for the Title I equipment purchase. Title I schools wanting to budget Maintenance of Equipment and Rental of Equipment costs using Title I funds must budget this as a multi funded cost attributing no more than 50% to Title I.


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