2024-2025 Program and Budget Handbook

Division of Instruction District Instructional Program

The goal of the PreK-12 Instructional department is to provide all students with engaging, rigorous, standards-based instruction that promotes fulfillment of District and State requirements while preparing college- and career-ready high school graduates. Key components of the department include providing: 1. Standards-based curriculum and evidence based instructional practices aligned to the Teaching and Learning Framework (TLF) 2. Interim assessments and progress monitoring of priority standards 3. Professional development for teachers and administrators to support the use of these resources in schools 4. Integration of evidence-based strategies to support the learning of all students, including English Learners, Standard English Learners, and those with Special Needs 5. Coordination, recommendation, and advocacy for policy at the local, state, and national level 6. Teacher professional development to promote college and career readiness The focus for all instructional disciplines is to support students in reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills to develop viable arguments backed by evidence and cited by multiple sources and apply real-world contextualization in tasks that promote reasoning and problem solving. Students will: a. Demonstrate independence b. Effectively communicate and collaborate c. Think critically and learn and apply content knowledge d. Respond to varying audiences

e. Comprehend and critique f. Value evidence g. Use technology and media h. Understand and value other perspectives and cultures Interdisciplinary instructional goals include: a. Creating meaningful connections b. Addressing common learning goals by multiple disciplines c. Connecting learning to interests Individual discipline instructional goals include: • English Language Arts a. An integrated model of literacy b. Text complexity and growth of comprehension c. Content Knowledge using text types and responding to reading and research d. Flexibility in communication and collaboration e. Conventions, effective use, and vocabulary f. Foundational Skills using Science and Reading approach g. MTSS in building Foundational Literacy skills for grades K-12 English Language Development a. Standards-Based Comprehensive ELD program b. Integrated and Designated ELD instruction c. Interacting in Meaningful Ways d. Learning About How English Works & Reading Foundational Skills e. Language and Literacy in English Acceleration Program (L2EAP) f. Newcomer Program with Primary Language Instruction g. Accelerated Program for Long Term English Learners (6-12) •


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