2022-2023 Program and Budget Handbook

4. Teacher Release Day ...to pay a regular status teacher who attends a Title I funded activity (attend professional development training, plan Title I activities, analyze data, conduct classroom observations) during the basic assignment with federal funds. Teacher Release Day may not be purchased for the purpose of releasing teachers for curricular trips or for providing intervention. Since the Teacher Release Day/Hrs. is budgeted per hour, if a teacher is attending a Title I/Title III funded activity, the school can choose to pay for part of the day (hours). 5. Day-to-Day Substitute Teachers, Benefitted Absence ...A minimum of four days of Day-to-Day Substitute must be budgeted to cover the benefitted absence of register-carrying/class-size reduction (CSR) teachers purchased from categorical and Specially Funded Programs (grants) (Program and Budget Guideline #23). 6. Teacher, Auxiliary, Secondary … a secondary register-carrying, state certificated teacher assigned to teach one additional class period each day in a shortage field in English Language Arts, Mathematics, History/Social Science, and Science in a SWP school. The teacher receives regular rate of pay. 7. Teacher, Categorical, Limited Contract …a special contract permits the hiring of a state certificated person in temporary status to provide instruction to participating students (may have coordinating responsibilities). Assigned time may not exceed 48 hours per pay period. These teachers may be contracted by more than one school; however, the limitation on total hours remains. Budget the total annual hours needed times the hourly rate. 8. Teacher, Non-Register Carrying …an off norm position. The state certificated teacher is a non-register carrying teacher to serve students identified as being in need of supplemental assistance in basic and advanced skills in literacy and Mathematics,

History/Social Science, and Science. The basic assignment for this position is a “Teacher.” The non-register carrying teacher must provide direct services for 100 percent of the six-hour work day. Non-register carrying teachers cannot be multi-funded with a general program. Since the position only exists in categorical programs, the only allowable percentages are .50 and 1.0 FTE. 9. Teacher, Class-Size Reduction …state certificated, register-carrying teacher to reduce class size in Literacy, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies classes. The teacher must provide direct services for 100 percent of work day. Only Schoolwide Program schools can fund this position with Title I resources. B. Paraprofessional (1 hr. – 6 hr.) … Paraprofessionals who assist in classroom instruction and who were hired with Title I funds after July 1, 2002, must have: (1) completed two years of higher education study, (2) obtained an associate’s (or higher) degree, or (3) passed a formal state or local academic assessment that demonstrates knowledge of and the ability to assist in teaching reading, writing, and mathematics or reading, writing, and mathematics readiness. All paraprofessionals are budgeted by position. Instructional Aides are budgeted for three hours a day. Education Aides may be budgeted for three or six hours a day, and Library Aides may be budgeted for three or six hours a day. Teacher Assistant positions may be budgeted for one through six hours a day. 1. Teacher Assistant (TA) …provides services under the direct supervision of a state certificated classroom teacher. The TA is a

student enrolled in a two- or four-year college who provides reinforcement and support of instruction to participating students in the classroom. This includes paraprofessionals who (1) provide one-on one tutoring if such tutoring is scheduled at a time when a student would not otherwise receive instruction from a teacher, (2) assist


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