2025-2026 Program and Budget Handbook

Problem-Solving/Data Coordinator

The role of the Problem-Solving/Data Coordinator is to provide support in using a process that utilizes all resources within the school and District in a collaborative manner to create a single, well-integrated system of instruction and intervention informed by student outcome data. The Problem-Solving/Data Coordinator builds capacity in a support position that serves teachers, students, and administrators. Under the direction of the school-site principal, the Problem-Solving/Data Coordinator will work closely with the Regional Leadership Team using a multi-tiered approach to high-quality instruction and evidence-based intervention. The focus will be on California’s Core Components for Response to Instruction and Intervention (RtI 2 ) that include evidence-based instruction/intervention, universal screening, continuous classroom progress monitoring, staff development and collaboration, and parent and family engagement. Key to the Problem Solving/Data Coordinator’s role will be the use of data based problem-solving models in the delivery of professional development, and appropriate evidence-based strategies to provide access to core instruction and intervention. The Problem-Solving/Data Coordinator is a support position and does not include the evaluation of teachers.

Roles and Responsibilities • The Problem-Solving/Data Coordinator has three primary job responsibilities: o Staff Training: ⎯ Facilitate training for problem-solving model (PS) and Response to Instruction and Intervention (RtI 2 ) ⎯ Work collaboratively with the school based leadership team to develop and implement the PS/RtI 2 training agenda for the school year o Technical Assistance ⎯ Provide technical assistance to building administrators, teachers, parents and the school leadership team to facilitate implementation of the problem-solving and RtI 2 activities ⎯ Provide non-evaluative classroom observation and feedback, modeling and other supportive assistance necessary to implement the PS/RtI 2 process o Data Collection and Management

⎯ Serve as the site Data Coordinator ⎯ Facilitate the management and interpretation of data necessary to develop, implement and evaluate Tiers 1, 2 and 3 interventions ⎯ Serve as the primary source of school data to support the evaluation of intervention services Required Qualifications • Minimum of five years of teaching experience at the elementary (K-6) or secondary (6-12) level • Appropriate certification to teach English Learners (CLAD, BCLAD, SB395 or SB1969 certificate) or willingness to gain certification within one year • Possess or qualify for a valid California elementary or secondary teaching credential • Required multicultural coursework or willingness to complete this requirement within one year of assignment • Ability to use technology and access data to inform instruction


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