2025-2026 Program and Budget Handbook
e. Language and Literacy in English Acceleration Program (L2EAP) f. Newcomer Program with Primary Language Instruction g. Accelerated Program for Long Term English Learners (6-12) Dual Language Education Programs a. Bilingualism and biliteracy, b. Academic achievement in both languages c. Sociocultural competence. • History-Social Sciences a. Standards-Based Content Knowledge b. Historical Thinking and Analysis Skills c. Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening skills in HSS Mathematics a. Standards-Based Content Knowledge b. Effective use and application of student understanding, procedural skills and fluency, and application with equal intensity as well as problem solving and reasoning. d. Affirm mathematic learner’s identities and leverage mathematical strengths as a resource. • Physical Education a. Standards-Based Content Knowledge b. Movement skills and movement knowledge • • and teacher mathematical practices c. Knowledge, understanding of rigor in mathematics, which includes helping students to pursue conceptual c. Fitness skills and fitness knowledge d. Positive self-image and personal development e. Social development Science a. Implement the 3 dimensions of the Next Generation Science Standards: i. Science and Engineering Practices, ii. Disciplinary Core Ideas, and iii. Cross-Cutting Concepts •
b. Implement inquiry-based instruction through real world context, i.e. Phenomena • Social Emotional Learning (UTK-12) a. Knowledge and application of the six Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Competencies and Transformative SEL b. Addresses the three Components of SEL Implementation into their instructional Practice c. Thoughtful and systematically integrates Social Emotional Learning d. Fosters welcoming and inclusive Arts Education a. Provide focused, sequential instruction in at least one area of the arts (dance, vocal/instrumental music, theatre/film, visual/media arts). b. Encourage artistic strategies that integrate literacy and numeracy skills. c. Engage in additional arts experiences through Arts Community Network partners. d. Utilize Cultural Arts Passport (CAP) funding environments and creates a sense of belonging through the SEL Signature Practices • Instructional Technology Initiative a. Integrating innovative technology practices to enhance and transform teaching and learning, empowering students to solve real-world challenges. b. By embedding digital citizenship, students learn to navigate the digital world responsibly and ethically. Incorporating computer science equips them with problem-solving and computational thinking skills, while artificial intelligence fosters creativity, critical thinking, and data-driven decision-making. to offer in-person arts experiences, including field trips, on-campus performances, events, and workshops outside of regular school hours •
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