2025-2026 Program and Budget Handbook

• Mentor o Provide opportunities for teachers to reflect on their teaching practice, including the utilization of Culturally and Linguistically Relevant instructional strategies o Assist and support teachers in the implementation of district-adopted textbooks and support materials o Assist and support teachers with instructional strategies that support the delivery of grade- level content to ELs o Promote standards-based literacy and numeracy through: ⎯ demonstration lessons through modeling collaboration and co-teaching ⎯ focused observation o Work with teachers to manage, interpret, and use formative assessment data, systematically examine student work, plan • Facilitator o Guide, support and ensure implementation of a comprehensive standards-based English Language Development (ELD) program through Designated ELD (dELD) and Integrated ELD (iELD) in academic content areas o Support collaborative work that contextualizes teaching and learning in regard to evidence-based practices and identified needs of ELs o Facilitate the analysis of data and student work o Foster improved communication and collaboration among staff by working with teachers to identify and address areas of need for ELs and deliver appropriate instruction, acceleration and accommodation strategies for ELs

o Support the academic achievement of EL student populations/facilitating on-site/ online professional development o Meet regularly with site administrators, teachers, and support personnel to analyze EL data and further communicate and strengthen instructional support to school staff o Attend District and Region professional development related to expanding coaching expertise, pedagogical repertoire, content knowledge, and systematic analysis of student work data within the multi-tiered framework Required Qualifications • Minimum of five years of teaching experience at the elementary school level (elementary coach) or at the secondary level (secondary coach) • Appropriate certification to teach English Learners (CLAD, BCLAD, SB395 or SB 1969 certificate) or willingness to gain certification within one year • Possess a valid California elementary teaching credential (elementary coach) OR • Possess one of the following required teaching credentials for secondary coach: Middle School – Secondary Single Subject credential in English/Language Arts, Mathematics, History/Social Science, Science or Multiple Subject Credential High School – Secondary Single Subject credential in English/Language Arts, Mathematics, History/Social Science, Science • Required multicultural coursework or willingness to complete this requirement within one year of assignment • Ability to use technology and access data to inform instruction • Ability to travel to other sites/locations


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