2025-2026 Program and Budget Handbook
Intervention/Prevention Support Coordinator
As outlined in REF-141108.0 Evidence-Based Intervention and REF-141107.0 Early Literacy Instruction: Implementing Evidence-Based Practices to Support All Learners; all schools are required to provide tiered intervention support to students in alignment with Pillar 1 C, Eliminating Opportunity Gaps, of the Los Angeles Unified (LAUSD) Strategic Plan. All schools are required to provide the following core intervention services with general funds. These services are supervised by the principal and implemented by the general education teachers: • Core standards-based instruction • Differentiated instruction with Core (Tier 1) Intervention in the core program • Establishment of student learning centers • Professional development • State Mandated Intervention • Maintenance of required data and reports The District has adopted a multi-tiered approach to teaching and learning. BUL-6730.1, A Multi-Tiered System of Support Framework for the Student Support, describes a Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) Framework for the Student Support and Progress Team. Multi-Tiered Systems of Support address the needs of all student subgroups, including English Learners (EL), Standard English Learners (SEL), students with disabilities (SWD), expelled students, students in foster care and/or experiencing homelessness, socio-economically disadvantaged, and gifted and talented education (GATE) students. MTSS aligns the entire school-wide system of initiatives, supports and resources, and implements continuous improvement processes (PDSA) at all levels of the system (i.e., school-wide, classroom, and individual students). (CA Dept. of Education)
Based on an analysis of student achievement data, a school may choose to use site-based categorical resources to fund an Intervention/Prevention Support Coordinator to enhance its implementation of the multi-tiered framework to teaching and learning. The Intervention/Prevention Support Coordinator is part of the school staff and works under the direction of the school-site administrator. Intervention Support Coordinator duties include the following: • Use of data (multiple measures) to identify areas of strength and need for instruction and behavior • Implements multi-tiered instruction and intervention services and resources. • Develops and delivers lessons to students in specific subject area using evidence based interventions. • Delivery of professional development in the MTSS framework and Plan, Do, Study, Act (PDSA) Model, analysis of data, differentiated instruction and strategies, and progress monitoring • Through the data analysis, support leadership team on determining effectiveness and gaps of academic/social emotional interventions • Trainings and workshops for parents/guardians on the Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) framework and model and how to support students at home • Development and monitoring of student intervention plan utilizing an integrated data and MTSS data based system for intervention. • Participation in the leadership on the Student Support Progress Team (SSPT) and support of substantial compliance activities involved in
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