2025-2026 Program and Budget Handbook
School Nurse
A School Nurse provides the following basic services: • Athletic pre-participation exams (PPE) • Mandated screenings: vision, scoliosis, audiometric, growth (height and weight), and oral health • Communicable disease (CD) and illness exclusion and readmission • Care for injured students, emergency care and transport • Administration and assistance with medication at school • Specialized skilled care and supervision of care for students with special health needs, such as: diabetes, severe allergies, spina bifida, asthma, cardiac conditions, respirator dependency, seizures etc. • Follows-up on health factors identified as potentially contributing to students’ poor academic achievement. • Involvement in the development of the health services components in the School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) related to categorically funded services. The School Nurse should have a clear understanding of the individual school’s health needs, and these services must be articulated in the SPSA and should list the activities necessary to reach the goals of the school. Furthermore, based on the needs of the school, the school may set priorities • Provides health-related counseling and education for parents and families, including home visits • Provides staff development in health-related issues and health-related counseling
• Special Education Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and Special Education Related Services • 504 Plans for Students with Disabilities • Compliance with immunization state requirement • Diabetic Management and Insulin Administration • Electronic documentation of health records and notifying teachers of students with special needs in their classroom • CPR/AED/First Aid, medication administration, etc. training and certification for school staff, students and parents (English and Spanish) • Provides school and community health-related information groups and projects (classroom health presentations, health- information “clubs,” resources for administrators and classroom teachers) • Participates in multidisciplinary teams such as Student Support and Progress Team (SSPT) • Follows-up on the prevention and control of communicable diseases contributing to students’ poor academic achievement • Provides health counseling for students with health conditions that affect attendance and learning such as childhood obesity, dental health, asthma, diabetes and hypertension • Assists families with locating and referring to health care resources that provide services such as medical care, therapy, etc. • Field trip clearances
Additional Duties of a School Nurse
For further information, call Sosse Bedrossian, Director, District Nursing Services, at (213) 202-7580 or via email at sosse.bedrossian@lausd.net or call your Nursing Coordinator.
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