2025-2026 Program and Budget Handbook
Psychiatric Social Worker (PSW)
There is growing research and evidence that shows children who receive school-based mental health services demonstrate positive academic outcomes. Increased rates of high school graduation, increased feelings of school connectedness, higher grade-point average (GPA), decreased absenteeism, and decreased incidences (incidents) of suspension and expulsion are just a few. School Mental Health Psychiatric Social Workers (PSWs) are highly trained clinical social workers that provide a continuum of school-based mental health and school social work services. Working alongside other specialized service providers, school staff and community partners, PSWs coordinate mental health care for students and school communities, utilizing a multi-tiered system to provide prevention, early intervention and intensive support. PSW services align with the pillars, priorities and strategies called for in the 2022-26 LAUSD Strategic Plan, specifically Pillar 2: Joy and Wellness.
Utilizing a Service Delivery Plan, a roadmap for assessing and responding to school needs, PSWs implement culturally responsive universal/early intervention strategies aimed at promoting critical wellness and social-emotional well-being. These include but are not limited to providing professional development and training opportunities for students, parents, caregivers, and staff on topics such as: • Trauma and Resilience Informed Schools • Crisis Preparedness, Response, and Recovery • Suicide Prevention, Intervention, and Postvention (including self-injury) • Self-Injury Education and Awareness • Threat Assessment and Management • Inclusive and Welcoming Environments These workshops are aligned to the following policies: • BUL-5800.1, Crisis Preparedness, Response, and Recovery • BUL-5799.2, Threat Assessment and Management (Student-to-Student, Student to-Adult) • Mental Health Awareness Psychological First Aid Staff Wellness and Self Care • •
• BUL-2637.5, Suicide Prevention, Intervention and Postvention • BUL-5212.3, Bullying and Hazing Policy (Student to-Student) • Integrated Safe School Plan • BUL-133307.0, Discipline Foundation Policy: Multi-Tiered Systems of Support for Behavior and Social-Emotional Well-Being using Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports/Restorative Practices (PBIS/RP) In collaboration with school leadership and other key stakeholders, PSW staff assess school community needs. Then, using a multi-tiered framework, mental health and school social work services and interventions are identified for implementation to improve student outcomes. The Service Delivery Plan (SDP) is serves as a roadmap to ensure that the services provided align with the school community’s needs and priorities . Examples of services, interventions, and supports are listed in the table on the next page. The effectiveness of PSW programs and services is dependent on support provided at the school level, including the following: • Workspace: Appropriate workspace that allows for confidential information sharing, sensitive
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