2025-2026 Program and Budget Handbook
• Number of sessions and total number of days • Approximate number of students Instead of a flyer, schools may submit a signed copy of Attachment A (Intent To Offer) from the Locally Designed and Funded Intervention Programs reference guide issued by Beyond the Bell. Use Maintenance/Operations Supplies Budget Item 40183, Commitment Item 430003. • REF-6570.5, Locally Designed and Funded Intervention Programs for Grades K-8 • REF-6587.2, High School Locally Designed and Funded Credit Recovery and Intervention Programs D. Supplemental Instructional Materials (SIM formerly called IMA)… A reasonable amount of a school’s allocation can be budgeted in materials meant to supplement the instructional program (ELA, Mathematics, History/Social Science, Science) and are not required by the core curriculum. SIM are specific to the classroom, delivery of instruction, and intervention. Examples include: • Classroom library books • Supplemental publisher workbooks • Realia such as visuals (maps, charts) • Manipulatives • Scientific Calculators • Science Kits (labs) • Instructional CDs, Videos, DVDs (not blank)
In general, items appearing in the District’s Supplies and Equipment Catalog are mostly general supplies and, therefore, cannot be funded with Title I resources. However, FSEP has identified a list of instructional tools in the General Stores Catalog that can be purchased under SIM with Title I funds. For a list of these items, please visit the FSEP or General Stores Distribution website. There is a review process for SIM items purchased with Title I funds and will require schools to upload the required Title I documentation in the Ariba. Please see BUL-134711.0, Additional Review Process for Title I Expenditures for more information. E. Other Books…Books that have not been adopted by the proper authority (i.e., Board) for use as basic curricula. Examples include: • Professional Development (PD) Books or Training Materials for PD. Materials will not be specifically used with students • Reference Materials for student use in the classroom or in the library (ex. thesaurus, picture dictionaries, atlases) • Books for the School Library including e books Targeted Assistance Schools are excluded from purchasing Other Books for the school library There will be a review process for Other Books purchased with Title I funds. The review process will require schools to upload the required Title I documentation in Ariba. F. Mileage…to reimburse school employees for mileage to Title I program activities such as Title I funded workshops and Title I meetings. The purpose and need for mileage must be specifically described in
• Flashcards • Periodicals •
Initial Software License fees
• •
Educational Apps
Leveled Readers • Classroom set of novels not on the District’s required reading list
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