2025-2026 Program and Budget Handbook
Technology commitment item #. For renewals of the software, schools must budget under Software License Maintenance (Commitment Item #580020, Budget Item #50243) Note: In general, items appearing in the District’s Supplies and Equipment Catalog are mostly general supplies and, therefore, cannot be funded with Title I resources. However, FSEP has identified a list of equipment in the General Stores Catalog that can be purchased under General Supplies-Technology with Title I funds. For a list of these items, please visit the FSEP or General Stores Distribution website. The following items are now also an exception and allowable out of General Supplies Technology: toner, ink cartridges, toner for laptop/chromebook chargers. All other general supplies expenditures (e.g., bond paper, pencils, pen, folders, coloring pencils, crayons, paint, etc.) remain unallowable when funded with Title I resources. 2. Non-Capitalized Equipment — Equipment with a total final cost between $500 and $4,999. 440001- Non-Capitalized Equipment with a total final cost of between $500 and $4,999. Title I copiers, projector bulbs, laptop/chromebook batteries, For classroom equipment – Non Capitalized Equipment, Classroom – use Budget Item #40124. The purchase of Duplo machines, laminator, and poster maker may be purchased as Classroom equipment. o For non-classroom equipment – Non Capitalized Equipment, Other – use Budget Item #40125 (i.e. equipment for o
out-of-classroom Title I-funded staff or for the Parent Center) Commitment items must not be used interchangeably to pay for ancillary fees. Failure to adhere to this guideline can result in an audit finding that requires corrective action by the school. 3. Capitalized Equipment - Single Equipment Item costing $10,000 or more (Restricted Item): Purchase, lease, or rental of a single equipment item costing over $10,000 requires central-office approval. Since federal law states that Capitalized Equipment purchased with Title I funds requires prior written approval from the California Department of Education (CDE), schools should contact their Regional Title I Coordinators regarding additional required forms and procedures that need to be completed along with the Budget Adjustment Request. Schools must enter the budgeted amount into the manual Budget Adjustment Request form, attach the appropriate required documentation (vendor’s quote and CDE form) and submit to the Region for approval. Once Regional reviewers have approved the request, the Region will forward the manual Budget Adjustment Request form with the vendor’s quote to the FSEP office. Once FSEP receives the approval from CDE, the Regional Title I Coordinator will inform the school that the capitalized equipment request was approved, and the school can proceed to finalize the process with their fiscal specialist. 640001- Capitalized equipment with a total final cost of $10,000 and above. (for
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