2025-2026 Program and Budget Handbook
posted in the Procurement Year-End Closing Timelines memorandum that is published annually in February/March of the current school year. If travel charges or claim reimbursements are submitted after the Procurement deadlines and the charges are posted to n ext year’s Title I funds, schools will be required to reimburse the federal program with school site general funds. Also, schools are required to include a general fund program along with the Title I fund program when submitting to attend a June conference. For guidance on June conferences using federal funds, please contact FSEP at 213-241-6990 and ask to speak to a compliance specialist. 2. Parent Conference Attendance … Conferences must be an integral part of the parent and family engagement activities identified in the SPSA. Please see BUL-6748.2, Parent Conference Attendance. There will be a review process for conferences purchased with Title I funds. The review process will require schools to upload the required Title I documentation (SPSA page, conference flyer, quote/invoice and approved Travel Form 10.12.2) in the Ariba and/or P-Card/Imprest reconciliations). B. Curricular Trips …budget using the costs shown purpose of the trip in the SPSA page. Curricular trips (in-person or virtual) are to supplement the core instructional program and to improve academic achievement for participating students. The established need and description for such services and activities must be addressed in the SPSA including the on the Estimated Rate Sheets. List specific planned destinations with the academic
specific names of field trip sites. Schools may choose to list a few destinations with the same academic purpose if the trip is dependent on the reservation availability (i.e., Aquarium of the Pacific, Santa Monica Pier Aquarium, Cabrillo Beach Marine Museum, Roundhouse Marine Studies Lab). Based on the Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR), 2CFR Part 200 Section 200.438, costs of entertainment including amusement, diversion, and social activities and any associated costs are unallowable with federal funds (Title I). For curricular trips that might be interpreted as “entertainment” or not benefiting the at -risk Title I students but that the school considers instructional and is requesting to be funded with Title I, the FSEP office may require additional documentation and/or information (i.e., lesson plan, purpose and intent, who will be attending, how the expenditure will benefit students academically, how the expenditure supports your academic program, the data used to determine the need, how the effectiveness of this strategy will be monitored) prior to approval. Curricular Trips Booked through the Transportation Services Division: As with all Title I curricular trips, the destination must be specifically described in the SPSA for the determination of allowability. The Title I Office will be an additional reviewer of curricular trips that are booked through the online field trip system (ifieldtrip.lausd.net). Please plan accordingly for the additional approval process to ensure that there is enough time for booking your trip. Title I curricular trips must be booked only through the online field trip system (ifieldtrip.lausd.net) at least 15 days
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