2025-2026 Program and Budget Handbook

Conferences, Professional Development and Curricular Trips

Identify conferences, professional development or curricular trip destinations. Curricular trips are to supplement the core instructional program and to improve academic achievement for participating students. A description of these services, activities and the identified need must be included in the SPSA. As part of the monitoring process, there will be an additional review process for Curricular Trips/Conferences/Professional Development purchased with Title I funds and it will require schools to upload the required Title I documentation (SPSA page, quote/invoice, conference flyer, Approved Travel Request Notification (ATRN) for staff or approved 10.12.2 Travel Claim form for parents) in the Ariba and/or P-Card/Imprest Fund reconciliation. For virtual conferences, the ATRN (for staff) and the 10.12.2 form (for parents) may not be needed. Please consult with Procurement for the most up-to-date information. The additional review process will also include trips that are booked directly with the District’s Transportation Branch. Based on the Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR), 2CFR Part 200 Section 200.438, costs of entertainment including amusement, diversion, and social activities and any associated costs are unallowable with federal funds (Title I). As a result, for curricular trips/conferences/professional development that might be interpreted as “entertainment” or not benefiting the at-risk Title I students but that the school considers instructional and is requesting to

be funded with Title I, there will be a higher burden of proof. Therefore, the FSEP office may require additional documentation and/or information (i.e., lesson plan, purpose and intent, who will be attending, how the expenditure will benefit students academically, how the expenditure supports your academic program, the data used to determine the need, who will monitor implementation of this strategy prior to approval). A. Conference Attendance …funds for all expenses including travel. Specific conferences/institutes must be identified. Each conference must be approved for attendance by the Regional Superintendent and/or the Office of the Superintendent. Delegates may attend local and other approved conferences with costs reimbursed by the program. 1. Staff Conference Attendance …must be an integral part of the professional development activities at the school. This expenditure line pays for conference registration within the Los Angeles area or travel accommodations and registration for Title I allowable conferences outside of the Los Angeles area. Identify titles/names of conferences specifically in the SPSA and the need for attending that conference and how it will benefit at-risk students. Schools may use the P-Card, Imprest, or Ariba for this expenditure. Staff Conference Attendance includes reimbursement for conference registration fees, hotel, mileage, airfare, per diem, etc. There is no limit for Staff


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