2025-2026 Program and Budget Handbook
are assigned to a location other than a school site, or (2) accept a position which includes extra pay for hours and/or duties which are related to, or an extension of, their basic non-classroom assignments - are to have a daily scheduled obligation of eight hours (exclusive of duty-free lunch). 3. Teacher Differential, Coordinating (C basis) …a supplemental payment which is added to the salary of a state certificated teacher for performing additional responsibilities related to a supplemental assignment based on funding. This differential is paid to a teacher who performs program-related activities outside the regular six-hour work day. 4. Teacher Release Day...to pay a regular status teacher who attends a Title I funded activity (attend professional development training, plan Title I activities, analyze data, conduct classroom observations) during the basic assignment with federal funds. Teacher Release Day may not be purchased for the purpose of releasing teachers for curricular trips or for providing intervention. Since the Teacher Release Day/Hrs. is budgeted per hour, if a teacher is attending a Title I/Title III funded activity, the school can choose to pay for part of the day (hours). When describing the expenditure, please indicate the number of days/hours budgeted not just a lump sum. *For teachers funded from Title I funds, the substitute that covers that teacher must be compensated with Teacher Release Day – Day to Day Subs for Categorically Funded Teacher (TCH REL DTD SUB CAT). The budget item# is 10378.
5. Day-to-Day Substitute Teachers, Benefitted Absence...A maximum of four days of Day to-Day Substitute (Budget Item #10562) must be budgeted in Title I to cover the benefitted absence of register carrying/class-size reduction (CSR) teachers purchased from Title I. Per the General Fund Manual, “if the register carrying teacher is fully funded with specially-funded programs (e.g., Title I), the District allocates 6 substitute days after norm day”. This means that Title I will pay for 4 of the 10 substitute days of a register carrying teacher and the District will pay for the other 6 days. When funding less than 1.0 FTE, the number of days should be equivalent to the percentage/number of the position that is purchased (prorated based on the full-time equivalency). This means that if the school is only using Title I funds to pay for ½ of the position, then 2 days will need to be budgeted from Title I for the benefited absences. Reporting Illness/Non-Illness time for Title I CSR teachers: Time Reporters must use the respective program code when time reporting the day-to-day substitute replacing the funded register-carrying/CSR teacher for a benefited absence, i.e., illness, personal necessity, kin-care. Absence for the fifth day forward should be time reported from program 13027 (see General Fund School Programs Manual). Unused days may be repurposed in the second semester for use during the current fiscal year if the position is unfilled and will continue to be unfilled for the rest of the year. A budget adjustment request, complete with School Site Council date of
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