2025-2026 Program and Budget Handbook

In addition, the FSEP website has a link to access all the Title I Time and Effort Reporting documents and a FAQ section. Equipment All expenditures for equipment should be planned so that categorical funds clearly supplement the District-funded program. A description of how the equipment supports the supplemental instructional program to improve academic achievement for participating students and the established need must be included in the SPSA/SPSA Modification. As part of the monitoring process, there will be an additional review process for equipment purchased with Title I funds and it will require schools to upload the required Title I documentation (quote, SPSA page) in the Ariba. Purchase of Equipment Schools can submit an equipment order if there are funds in the corresponding commitment item line. Equipment purchase are part of the Title I additional approver workflow process and will require an attached quote and SPSA page/SPSA Modification. In addition, the school’s Categorical Equipment Inventory (CEI) will also be reviewed by FSEP before all equipment (Capitalized, Non Capitalized and General Supplies-Technology) purchases. Contact your Regional Title I Coordinator if you have any questions. General Supplies-Technology and Non Capitalized Equipment should be received by May 5 th . Capitalized equipment is a restricted item and requires prior approval from CDE. Capitalized Equipment PRs must be submitted in Ariba by January 30th so that equipment is received by May 5th of the current school year.

Maintenance and Rental of Equipment Schools should place sufficient funds in the Maintenance of Equipment accounts to pay for any needed repairs. All Maintenance of Equipment including Rental of Equipment must be split funded with general funds with no more than 50% charged to Title I. This cannot be used for the Toshiba Unified Project. Categorical Equipment Inventory Schools must maintain a historical inventory record for each piece of categorically-funded equipment. Schools should follow the procedures listed in BUL-3508.9: Inventory Requirements for Equipment Purchased with Categorical Program Funds. Any piece of equipment costing $500 or more must be red labeled and inventoried for the lifetime that the equipment is in use and records kept on file at the school. In addition, attractive items, such as laptops, iPads, netbooks, iPods, e readers, projectors, etc., that have a unit cost of less than $500 should be labeled. A physical check of the equipment inventory must be conducted every two years, and the results of the physical check must reconcile with the inventory records in Attachment B of BUL-3508.9. An electronic CEI form should be submitted through an online form that is available on the Federal and State Education Programs Branch ’s website after all equipment has been received for the school year.


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