2025-2026 Program and Budget Handbook

Education Programs has watermarked final approval of the SPSA with authority as delegated by the Board of Education. Monitor SPSA Implementation: Throughout the year, schools should monitor the SPSA to ensure effective implementation of the strategies and actions in the plan to meet the measurable objectives for student achievement. As part of the monitoring process, schools should consider the following: • Are measurable objectives being met? If not, what are the barriers? • Are strategies and actions being fully implemented? If not, what are the barriers? • Which strategies and actions are effective for improving student achievement? Which strategies are ineffective? • Based on measurable data, what strategies will be maintained, changed, or eliminated in the plan? SPSA Modification/Budget Adjustment Request: Well-planned programs to improve student achievement should have the appropriate budget categories aligned with identified academic needs of participating students as stated in the SPSA. Occasionally, there will be a need to modify the strategies and actions in the plan and/or the budget. Strategy and budget adjustments are based on assessed instructional needs and support program quality and compliance. If there is a need to modify the SPSA, the school will need to complete a SPSA Modification and, if a budget modification is included, submit the signed School Budget Signature Form.

SPSA Modifications, including budget adjustment requests, must be reviewed with council/committee members and are required to have the signature of the principal certifying that the SPSA Modification has been prepared in accordance with EC 64001(i) and all corresponding documentation is on file at the school site. Budget modifications can be initiated with the assistance of the Regional fiscal staff through the School Front End (SFE) utilizing the School Budget Signature Form or using a Manual Budget Adjustment Request (BAR) form (restricted items). Schools will need to modify the SPSA and submit the signed School Budget Signature Form and the SPSA Modification to the appropriate Regional reviewers including: Fiscal Specialist, Regional Title I or EL Coordinator or FACE Administrator, and Director for approval. Once approved, the Regional fiscal staff will then post the budget adjustments or approve the School Budget Signature Form in SAP. For additional guidance on the SPSA Modification and Budget Adjustment Request (BAR) process, contact your Regional Title I Coordinator. The approval of the appropriate program administrator is required for non-item based or restricted budget items if the analysis of data shows that an expenditure not listed on Budget At-A-Glance is needed to improve student achievement. The Regional fiscal specialist will help facilitate the approval process.


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