2025-2026 Program and Budget Handbook
2018 Master Plan for English Learners and Standard English Learners
On January 7, 2015, the U.S. Department of Education and the Department of Justice provided joint guidance to all public schools in meeting their legal obligations to ensure that ELs participate meaningfully and equally in educational programs and services. The 2018 Master Plan for English Learners and Standard English Learners provides guidance to District staff and all educational partners on the expectations the District holds for each school in addressing the linguistic and academic needs of ELs. The six Guiding Principles for Educating ELs and SELs were created as a collaborative effort by the Multilingual Multicultural Education Department (MMED), and members of the Master Plan Ad Hoc Working Group as a strong statement of values for the District’s vision for serving ELs. The six Guiding Principles are: • Assets-based Education • Bilingualism and Biliteracy • Sociocultural Competence • Rigorous Academics for All • Alignment and Articulation • Systemic Support
These guiding principles align with the four principles of the California EL Roadmap. All ELs are to receive Master Plan services
(curricular as well as school support), regardless of instructional program or dual identification (Gifted, SWD, etc.). A Comprehensive ELD Program, which incorporates daily Designated English Language Development (dELD) (protected instructional time during the instructional day) and Integrated English Language Development (iELD) must be part of all Master Plan Programs. Two or more of the following services are required to support second-language acquisition and access to grade-level content: 1. Designated English Language Development 2. Integrated English Language Development Eligibility for Master Plan services is established based on a student’s language classification, as determined by the English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC). Any student classified as an EL must be provided Master Plan instructional services that have a positive and lasting impact until the criteria to Reclassify to Fluent English Proficient (RFEP) have been met. 3. Primary Language (L1) Support 4. Primary Language (L1) Instruction • Designed to improve the instruction and assessment of ELs; • Designed to enhance the ability of teachers and school-site administrators to understand and implement curricula, assessment measures and practices, and instructional strategies for ELs; • Effective in increasing children’s English language proficiency or substantially increasing the subject matter knowledge,
Professional Development for Teachers of English Learners The ESSA makes several important changes pertaining to preparation and professional development for teachers of ELs. Instead of requiring that programs and activities to be “high quality,” ESSA has strengthened these provisions
by requiring that programs and activities supported by Title III funds to be “effective.” Districts must use Title III funds to provide effective professional development for teachers and school-site administrators of ELs that is:
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