2025-2026 Program and Budget Handbook
is based on the findings of a comprehensive needs assessment
meets exit criteria. Additional information about exit criteria is available in the 2024 Dashboard Technical Guide here: https://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/ac/cm/dashboardguid e24.asp. Select the Every Students Succeeds Act link. Additional information as well as a link to the list of CSI and ATSI schools within LAUSD that are identified by the State can also be accessed at https://www.lausd.org/fsep.
identifies resource inequities
o includes evidence-based interventions • Implement the plan The SPSA includes the above plan requirements. For ATSI and TSI schools, the plan is approved by the school and district and monitored by the district. ATSI and TSI schools must submit timely evaluations of their plans. Exiting School Identifications CDE reviews school data on the California School Dashboard annually to determine if a school Parent and Family Engagement The SPSA must contain strategies for parent and family engagement. Under the Every Student Succeeds Act, parent involvement shifted its emphasis to parent and family engagement. Parent and family engagement funds should be spent during the fiscal year on strategies for that year, as funds do not carry over. Engaging your School Site Council (SSC) in shaping the SPSA as a strategic plan for equity for the school campus is an essential requirement for Title I. In addition to the SSC, it is important for schools to engage the broader community as well. Schools need to certify in the Principal Portal that the broader school community was invited to participate in an Annual School Goal and Budget Consultation Meeting where the community at large is invited to learn how the Needs Assessment and school have shaped the budget priorities. A module series to offer guidance is available at the Office of Student, Family and Community Engagement website under the Tools for Schools tab. A budget reference sheet for families is also available to inform families of eligible purchases for Title I, TSP,
and one-time funds received by the school site specifically for family engagement. Title I Schools • Identifying the program’s activities, and planning the budget expenditures to implement the program’s activities, requires the involvement of the SSC for the certification of the SPSA. The California Education Code , section 52853, requires the SSC to develop the plan and approve the budget. • Schools will receive a separate allocation for Title I parent and family engagement. Schools may appropriate additional Title I resources to implement the school’s parent and family engagement policy. (Refer to Appendix B regarding Budget Planning for Parent and Family Engagement.)
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