2025-2026 Program and Budget Handbook

Master Plan Budget Development Process Supplemental expenditures for the English Learner program must be based on the identified needs of participating ELs and program requirements, such as professional development for teachers or acceleration services for ELs. In addition, schools are to use multiple funding sources to meet the requirements of the 2018 Master Plan for English Learners and Standard English Learners . To develop budgets that meet EL program requirements, the school, in conjunction with the English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC), must conduct an annual Needs Assessment to: (1) evaluate EL program implementation, (2) improve instruction for ELs, and (3) analyze EL student performance data to ensure that the needs of ELs are being met and have sufficient opportunities to meet or exceed the State’s performance targets. Approval of Title III activities must be: (1) based on the identified linguistic and academic needs of ELs after an analysis of data has taken place, (2) accurately and explicitly documented in the School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) and (3) must be aligned with the Title III achievement accountabilities. Title III, Section 3115(g), requires that funds be used "to supplement the level of federal, state, and local EL Program Budget Priorities The District receives Title III funds to develop, implement, and monitor effective language instruction for the academic and linguistic achievement of ELs. All EL program budget expenditures must be explicitly described in the SPSA. The SPSA must address the performance targets and include the following: (1) training on analyzing EL data, (2) differentiated instruction for ELs based on proficiency levels, (3) best practices,

public funds that, in the absence of such availability, would have been expended for programs for limited English proficient children and immigrant children and youth and in no case to supplant such Federal, State, and local public funds." "For example, if a particular activity last year was paid for with nonfederal funds, the same activity this year cannot be funded with federal funds. State-mandated activities must be paid for with state funds first. In this section, "supplement" means "in addition;" and "supplant" means "to take the place of." The schoo l’s budgets and SPSA must respond to the identified linguistic and academic needs of EL students and the EL program. Budget allocations must be restructured when (1) the needs of ELs are not met, (2) ELs do not demonstrate adequate progress in ELD and the District’s expected benchmarks for English Learners or (3) ELs do not meet grade-level content standards, and the District’s expected benchmarks for English Learners . The identified needs of ELs, school budgets, and the SPSA must be realigned on an annual basis.

(4) teaching language throughout all content areas, and (5) collaborative planning time to improve standards-based lesson design and delivery in the areas of Integrated ELD (iELD) and Designated ELD (dELD). The SPSA must demonstrate how the proposed expenditures will directly support the linguistic and academic achievement of English Learners.

Appendix A-1

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