2025-2026 Program and Budget Handbook

Program and Budget Guidelines ✔ - Budget Guideline is applicable to the program ✖ -Not Allowed 11. Rental of Facilities: Rental of facilities is not allowable with federal resources by school sites. 12. Salary Savings: A Budget Adjustment is required to capture salary savings for a position that is vacant for a minimum of 20 workdays. 13. New Schools or Schools New to Title I: For schools new to Title I or new schools opening, all Title I funds are placed in Pending Distribution. Prior to the formation of the SSC and the development and approval of the SPSA, a reasonable amount of funds can only be transferred to Teacher X-time. These expenditures must be approved by the Regional Director or Community of Schools Administrator. 14. Certificated Basis: Most certificated positions funded with categorical resources may only be budgeted on “C” basis. However, there are “B” basis options for specifically identified coach positions. Refer to the instructional support descriptions. 15. Itinerant Support Personnel – School Psychologist, PSW, PSA Counselor, IT Support Tech (Minimum Funding for Supplemental Time): The minimum for funding supplemental itinerant support personnel when purchased with Title I funds is 0.1 FTE (1/2 day). In determining cost, please ensure that the Estimated Rate Sheets are used. Multi-funding the FTE for Itinerant Support Personnel can be done either 100% or 50% when using both CSI funds and Title I (7S046). 16. Percentage Options for Most Commonly Funded Title I Personnel: Budget Item Description Job Title Available Funding % CAT PRG AD C1T Categorical Program Advisor (CPA) 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100 All Clerical Personnel including Ed Aide II 50, 100 CSR TCHR ELEM GK-G6 1TK CSR Teacher, Elementary 20, 40, 50, 60, 80, 100 CSR TCHR MS G6 CSR Teacher, MS 6 th grade 20, 40, 50, 60, 80, 100 CSR TCHR SEC (ELA, HSS, MTH) 1TK CSR Teacher, Secondary 20, 40, 50, 60, 80, 100 CSR TCHR SEC SCI 1TK CSR Teacher, Science, 1 TK 20, 40, 50, 60, 80, 100 CSR TCHR ELD HS CSR Teacher, Secondary, ELD 20, 40, 50, 60, 80, 100 ENG LRNR (EL) COACH-ES EL Instructional Coach, Elementary (English Learner Coach) – B Basis 5% increments beginning with 5% ENG LRN (EL) COACH-SEC EL Instructional Coach, Secondary (English Learner Coach) – B Basis 5% increments beginning with 5%

Title I & CSI 7S046 - 7T691

Title III 7T197

Certificated (Teachers, Out-of-Classroom Personnel, Itinerants, Teaching Assistants), Classified and Unclassified Personnel


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