2024-2025 Program and Budget Handbook


The SPSA Program and Budget Handbook has been updated to reflect the following changes: Content Change Page(s) Teacher, Non-Register Carrying: The non-register carrying teacher must provide direct services for 100 percent of the funded work day. While Non-register carrying teachers can now be multi-funded with a general program, the position only exists in categorical programs in allowable percentages of .50 and 1.0 FTE. 25 Non-register carrying teacher: NONREGC TCHR EL 1 TK and NONREGC TCHR SEC. – available funding percentage has been revised. This position may only be funded for 50% or 100%. Budget at a Glance: Budget at a Glance has been updated to reflect the mapped positions and non-positions items for 7T691 (CSI funds), to match the estimated rate sheets. Middle School College and Career Coordinator and EL/SEL Instructional Coach were added . Middle School College and Career Coordinator: The job description and responsibilities for the Middle School College and Career Coordinator has been updated to include the term coordinator and returned to the Program and Budget Handbook. Non-register carrying teacher: The job description and responsibilities for the non register carrying teacher have been added. Inventory Requirements for Equipment Purchased with Categorical Program Funds: Pages were updated to reflect the new BUL-3508.9. Changes include a new Attachment B form and a new method of submitting it. 87 93-94 77-79 80-81 20-21

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