2024-2025 Program and Budget Handbook
Periodic Certification. If the school is time reporting the training, the teacher should also submit the training certification to the time reporter at the school site. The time reporter should charge the teacher’s time to the appropriate federal program and the substitute should be charged to the funding source generally used to pay for the teacher’s time . Day-to-Day Substitutes for federally funded class size reduction teachers or teacher librarian should complete a Periodic Certification for each day of substitute time. The substitute sign-in log that lists the program code and teacher’s name, and signature could be used to meet this requirement. Substitutes may not be purchased for the purpose of releasing teachers for curricular trips. Schools operating an approved Schoolwide Program (SWP) and using only these federal monies to fund positions do not need to complete a Multi-funded Personnel time-reporting record sheet but must still complete a Periodic Time and effort for positions funded 100% by Title I or positions considered a Single Cost Objective (SCO), are documented on periodic certifications. Only certain multi-funded positions qualify as SCOs. These positions are multi-funded but have been determined by the District to be considered a SCO because all populations served and services provided are allowed by each of the programs funding the position. The populations they serve can be supported by their funding source. Please contact your regional Title I coordinator for an updated list. Note: In general, if school-site employees are funded solely by the Title I Schoolwide Program, Certification as previously stated. Single Cost Objective Employees
they should complete a Periodic Certification semi-annually of such employment and not a Multi-funded Time Report each pay period. However, there are certain exceptions to this as noted in BUL-2643.15, Documentation for Employees Paid from Federal and State Categorical Programs. Swapping Position Control Numbers: Because of Time & Effort reporting requirements, the swapping of a position that has been funded at the beginning of a school year with general funds to one that is funded with Title I requires approval from the Title I Office. Any requests for swapping will require the Regional Title I Coordinators’ approval . Retroactive Payroll Using Title I Funds: Because Time & Effort certification forms are required to be completed “in a timely manner,” schools will not be able to use Title I to retroactively pay staff who were either funded from general fund and/or attended a training paid from general funds. The only exception is for those instances where the employees are able to complete a periodic certification or a monthly multi-funded time report that is due at a future date and even this exception has to meet special conditions. Please contact your Regional Title I Coordinators for guidance. Time and Effort Reporting Certification Deadline: Please follow the time reporting payroll certification deadline as issued by Payroll Services Branch for the fiscal year to avoid disallowed payroll expenditures that may hit the following fiscal year. Schools will be required to pay back disallowed payrol l expenditures with the school’s general fund account. All multi-funded time reports should be submitted to the time reporter at the end of each month. All
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