2024-2025 Program and Budget Handbook

Measurable Implementation and Improvement Objectives should be written as a SMART Goal: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time Based A minimum of one Implementation and one Improvement objective is required per SPSA Pillar page. In each SPSA Pillar page, schools are required to write a minimum of one school strategy and action aligned to a District Priority and Strategy. School strategies should describe an evidence based approach that will be used to support improved student outcomes. School strategies can be implemented in a variety of ways, may Develop a Budget: The school budget must be based on the identified needs of participating students as determined by the comprehensive needs assessment and should align to the evidence based strategies and actions described in the SPSA. The most efficient use of resources which support the plan and students’ access to the core curriculum should be the rule. Budgets should be developed with recommendations from the appropriate committees, e.g., ELAC. Their written recommendations must be brought to the School Site Council (SSC) for review and approval. By delegated authority to Federal and State Education Programs, the Los Angeles Board of Education approves each school’s SPSA as required under Education Code 64001 after review and recommendation for approval by the Region. Principal Supervisors or Directors must also review budgets and recommend the budget for approval to the Deputy Superintendent of Instruction to ensure that funding supports student needs as outlined in the SPSA. The Family and Community

involve multiple action steps, and specify what the approach is to implementing the strategy, why the strategy is being implemented, and who will benefit from implementation of the strategy. School actions describe what specifically will be done to implement the school strategy including: • Activities for teachers or students, goods to be purchased and distributed, tasks/responsibilities of a position • Planning/preparation for effective implementation of the strategy Engagement (FACE) Administrators at each Local Region must confirm the allowability of expenditures in Program 7E046. Use the Estimated Rate Sheets found on the School Fiscal Services Branch website for a list of all allowable categorical fund expenditures. At the bottom of the School Budget Signature Form is a space for all required signatures. These signatures indicate that stakeholders (parents and staff) have had the opportunity to provide recommendations to the budget-planning process. Signatures do not necessarily indicate approval of the proposed budget. Signatures of Principal Supervisors, Regional Directors, Title I Coordinators, and FACE Administrators on the School Budget Signature Form represent preliminary approvals only of schools’ categorical budgets. School budgets do not have final approval until all appropriate Local Regional Compliance approvers have confirmed that the SPSA meets federal requirements and the Regional Superintendent or designee has signed • Implementation of the strategy Monitoring/evaluation of strategy implementation •


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