2024-2025 Program and Budget Handbook

Dashboard to determine if a school meets exit criteria (i.e., the school is no longer identified for support and improvement based on updated data). Parent and Family Engagement The SPSA must contain strategies for parent and family engagement. Under the Every Student Succeeds Act, parent involvement shifted its emphasis to parent and family engagement. Parent and family engagement funds should be spent during the fiscal year on strategies for that year, as funds do not carry over. Engaging your School Site Council in shaping the SPSA as a strategic plan for equity for the school campus is an essential requirement for Title I. Beginning in the 2023-24 school year, schools need to certify in the Principal Portal that the broader school community was invited to participate in an Annual School Goal and Budget Consultation Meeting where the community at large is invited to learn how the Needs Assessment and school have shaped the budget priorities. A module series to offer guidance is available at the Parent and Community Services ’ website under the Tools for Schools tab. A budget reference sheet for families is also available to inform families of eligible The District receives supplemental Title III (federal) funds to provide supplemental direct services to English Learners (ELs). These funds must be used to provide direct services to ELs above and beyond the core program requirements as outlined in the United States Code (USC) and California Education Code (EC). The supplemental funds received from Title III may not be used to supplant the District’s general funds.

Additional information as well as a link to the list of CSI and ATSI schools within LAUSD that are identified by the State can also be accessed at https://www.lausd.org/fsep.

purchases for Title I, TSP, and one-time funds received by the school site specifically for family

engagement. Title I Schools •

Identifying the program’s activities, and planning the budget expenditures to

implement the program’s activities, requires the involvement of the School Site Council (SSC) for the certification of the SPSA. The California Education Code , section 52853, requires the SSC to develop the plan and approve the budget. • Schools will receive a separate allocation for Title I parent and family engagement. Schools may appropriate additional Title I resources to implement the school’s parent and family engagement policy. (Refer to Appendix B regarding Budget Planning for Parent and Family Engagement.)

Title III

Title III, Section 3115(g), requires that funds be used "to supplement the level of federal, state, and local public funds that, in the absence of such availability, would have been expended for programs for limited English proficient children and immigration children and youth and in no case to supplant such Federal, State, and local public funds."


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