2024-2025 Program and Budget Handbook

LOS ANGELES UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Division of Instruction Supplemental Instruction/Intervention Resources Guidelines

The purpose of these guidelines is to define the process for purchasing evidence-based supplemental standards-based instructional materials with Federal funds. Supplemental resources support core instruction, not replace it. Supplemental resources support core instruction, not replace it. Evidence-based supplemental instructional materials within a multi-tiered system of support follow the Plan, Do, Study, Act (PDSA) Cycle of Improvement and include practices or programs that have proven to be effective at producing results and improving outcomes when implemented. Multi-tiered instruction and interventions are not dependent on programs, but are grounded in the increased use of academic engaged time and effective, evidence-based instructional strategies targeted to student need. Procedures for Selecting Supplemental Instructional Resources Schools are to follow the procurement and procedures below prior to placing an order for evidence based supplemental materials. 1. Engage in Root Cause Analysis to analyze school data and identify research and/or evidence-based interventions as outlined in the School Plan for School Achievement. 2. Review the Resources For Identifying Evidence-Based Interventions. Materials found listed on these sites are research and/or evidence-based and have been recommended to support tiered instruction and intervention. 3. Review and adhere to budget and program guidelines for purchasing of any evidence-based supplemental instructional materials. For questions regarding evidence-based supplemental standards-based instructional materials, please contact Elizabeth Bernal, Administrator, Elementary Instruction, Byun-Kitayama, Administrator, Middle School Instruction or Sandra Gephart, Administrator, High School Instruction.

For questions, please contact your Regional Director

Appendix C-1

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