2023-2024 Program and Budget Handbook

instructional program by ensuring technology is available for students to benefit from supplemental literacy and math programs. 3. Community Representative …a community person who performs in a liaison role between the school and the community. Schools can purchase a Class-A or Class C Community Representative. Class-A: Services are limited to advice or interpretation involving local school or classroom relationships. Class-C: Services involve participation as a neighborhood resource adviser to principals, teachers, parents, or project personnel concerned with school community relations. Note: Per BUL-4814.12, Multiple Assignments: “Classified employees who work 1000 hours or more in a fiscal year are permanently enrolled into the California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS), thereby causing both the District and the individual to contribute to the retirement system”. The school is required to budget for these expenses. Contact your fiscal specialist for more information on the additional cost. 4. Parent Resource Liaison …assists in maintaining a program or a parent center or community center of a local school by providing various resources and information to parents through workshops, orientations, and training programs. 5. Parent Resource Assistant...positions in Parent Resource Assistant, Parent Resource Assistant (Armenian Language), Parent Resource Assistant (Korean Language), and Parent Resource Assistant (Spanish

Language) will be located in parent centers and will assist in providing direct support to parents disseminating information, maintaining parent-school communication, and assisting in programs and outreach activities for parents. C. Paraprofessional 1. Counselor Aide …provides paraprofessional services in support of participating student counseling activities. Positions are filled from a district-wide eligibility list. Because this position works directly with students, only 3- or 6-hour per day positions will be allowed. 2. Education Aide II …works under t he immediate supervision of a teacher or other certificated employee; performs classroom-related routine manual and clerical tasks, and classroom monitoring; assists in communication with parents. May not provide direct teaching assistance to students. In addition, may not perform the responsibilities of any classified clerical position nor be used for supervision tasks. Schools may purchase no more than four positions from Title I resources. No new positions can be created. 3. Education Aide III (Regular, Spanish Speaking, and Other Language) … provides reinforcement and support of instruction to participating students in the classroom under the direct supervision of a state certificated classroom teacher. Because this position works directly with students, only 3- or 6-hour per day positions will be allowed. 4. Education Aide III (AVID) …works under the supervision of a teacher or other certificated employee and assists in instructional reinforcement activities with


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